Femmes du Jour – 2025

Femmes du Jour Group meets for lunch monthly and is chaired by Jean Macaluso, jean.macaluso@yahoo.com.

Femmes du Jour, or Femmes for short, was introduced to our branch in 2002 and has been meeting once a month since then at different restaurants. A schedule for the year is distributed that lists the name and location of the restaurant and date which is the first Wednesday of every month. Unless noted otherwise, the time for lunch is 12:30pm.

Anyone in the branch who is available that day and wishes to join the group is welcomed for just friendly conversation and fellowship; reservations are taken by the preceding Monday evening by contacting Jean Macaluso, the Interest Group Leader. A reminder notice is sent a week before the date and a notice is in the Newsletter. Femmes is an excellent opportunity to recruit new members and for new members to interact in a small group.

See our AAUW MONTHLY NEWSLETTER  for details.  If you plan to attend, please text Jean Macaluso, 724-581-6050, or email jean.macaluso@yahoo.com by the preceding Monday evening.

FEMMES du JOUR Schedule for 2025

(All lunches are on Wednesdays except for December)

JANUARY  8                                     QUALITY TIME, NEW BRIGHTON

FEBUARY  5                                  19th HOLE, BLACKHAWK GOLF COURSE

MARCH  5                                         KAUFMAN TAVERN, ZELIENOPLE

APRIL  2                                            JW HALLS, HOPEWELL

MAY 7                                                BIGHAM TAVERN, BRIDGEWATER                                                  

JUNE  4                                              SPEERS STEAKHOUSE, MARS, PA   

JULY 2                                               NARCISI WINERY, GIBSONIA 

AUGUST 6                                         THE GRILLE, BRIDGEWATER                                                

SEPTEMBER  3                                 SEVEN OAKS, BRIGHTON TWP.                                

OCTOBER  1                                     PONDI’S RESTAURANT, LISBON, OH                        

NOVEMBER  5                                 FRANK G’S, BRIDGEWATER                                         

DECEMBER  16 (Tues)                     WOODEN ANGEL, BRIDGEWATER (Pre-paid Reservations)